Guidance to the stemmata
Updated 3rd July 2022
  1. Included are all individuals from senatorial families and first time senators (homo novus).
  2. Though the focus is on senators (clarissimus vir, synklitikós in Greek), many equites (knights) are also included if
    1. termed eques Romanus under the republic
    2. probably or possibly related to senators
    3. termed vir egregius (usually a man who had been procurator)
    4. holding an official state equestrian office:
      • one of the four great imperial praefectures (Praefectus Praetoria, Prafectus Annonae, Praefectus Aegyptus and the Praefectus of Vigiles)
      • equestrian procurators and governors
      • some central governmental officials like "a rationibus", often held by freedmen
      • epistrategoi of Egypt
    5. equestrian military officers
      • tribunes of legions, auxiliary cohorts, praetorian cohorts, urban cohorts and vigiles
      • praefects of auxiliary cohorts, alae and fleets
      • praefectus fabrum,
      • primus pilus
    6. asiarchs lyciarchs, archierei (not all are likely to be equestrian)
    7. important local officials (e.g. II vir, aedilis, quaestor)
      but here only a selection has been made. Many are presumably not equestrian.
    8. important other men termed eques Romanus under the Empire
      but here only a selection has been made, not all are included
  3. Above the name of each individual is given their reference number in small type in one or more of
    • Bar - Albo Senatorio by Barbieri (NEW included from 24th Jan 2019)
    • Curchin - Local Magistrates of Roman Spain by Curchin (and supplement)
    • Dem - Prosopographie des chevaliers Romains Julio-Claudiens by Demougin
    • Dob - Primipilares by Dobson (old version 1955, new 1978)
      The first English edition has more entries than the second German edition.
    • EDCS - Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss / Slaby
    • EDR - Epigraphic Database Roma
    • Fitz - Die Verwaltung Pannoniens in der Römerzeit by Jeno Fitz
    • FOS - Prosopographie des femmes de l'ordre sénatorial by Raepsaet-Charlier
    • kp - Kleine Pauly, where there is no entry in RE
    • Laet - De Sammenstelling van den Romeinschen Senaat
    • Lamb - Lambrechts La Composition du Senat Romain volumes 117-192 and 193-284
    • LP - Laterculi Praesidum by Thomasson (NEW included from 8th April 2018)
      The first number refers to a Roman province (eg. 19 = Moesia Inferior), the second to the § identity of the the governor
    • Nic - L'Ordre Équestre a l'époque republicaine (312-43 av. J.-C.) by Nicolet
    • Okon - Album senatorum, Senatores ab Septimii Severi aetate usque ad Alexandrum Severum (193–235 AD) by Okon ((NEW included from 24th Jan 2018)
    • Pf - Les Carrieres Procuratoriennes Equestres by Pflaum
    • PFCR - Alvarez Melero: Prosopographie de la parentèle féminine des chevaliers romains, 2021
    • PIR - Prosopographia Imperii Romani, ID letter only eg. A120, F22
      IDs refer to 2nd edition of the PIR from letters A to Z and in old files the old 1st edition for letters V to Z.
      PIR 2nd edition final volume with letters V to Z was published in late 2015. When old stemmata are updated the ID's will be corrected to 2nd edition.
    • PLRE - Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire Volume 1 AD 260-395
    • PME - Prosopographia Militiarum Equestrium by Devijver
    • RE - Pauly-Wissowa Realencyclopadie
    • Roman Peloponnese by Rizakis, three letter abbreviations reference regions, eg. Cor = Corinthia, Lac = Laconia, etc
    • Rüpke - Fasti Sacerdotum by Rüpke
    • Stech - Senatores Romani qui fuerint inde a Vespasiano usque ad Traiani exitum
    • In some cases, where the above are missing, I have added a reference to an entry in
      • AE - l'Annee Epigraphique) with year and number,
      • CIL - Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum
      • ILLRP - Inscriptiones Latinae Liberae Rei Publicae by Degrassi
      • ILS - Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae by Dessau
      • or to one of the major reference works listed under Bibliography.
  4. Persons in bold type have had the office of consul, dictator, magister equitum, consular tribune or censor and persons in bold capital letters are emperors or major figures of the Republic,
  5. In the stemma full lines indicate attested genealogical connections, dotted lines indicate hypothesis or guesswork.
    Double descendence lines indicate adoption.
  6. Questionmarks are used to indicate uncertainty of relationship, descent or office.
  7. Dates are given as follows:
    • 140/144 at some date between 140 and 144 inclusive
    • 140/141 usually means the official had the office one year, entering office ometime in 140 and leaving sometime in 141
    • 140-144 from 140 to 144 inclusive
  8. Paranthesis () around a name indicates the person is only indirectly attested.
  9. Square brackets [] around part of a name indicates a reconstructed name. I have added a questionmark if very doubtfull.
    All dates on this site are given thus:  day . month . year  or  year . month . day 
  10. The change date at the top of each family page only indicates that information content has changed, not minor changes of format, spelling or layout.

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