Created: 2nd November 2013
Update:  13th April 2018
Status Republic: Patrician:     Pleb. Nobilis: X     Senatorial: X    Eques Romanus: X    Local magistrates X
Republican Family / Cognomen
Patrician n/a
Pleb. Nobilis Plancus
Senatorial no cognomen
Equestrian Flaccus, Rufus
Local magistrat. no cognomen
Uncertain n/a
Imperial Family / Cognomen
Imperators n/a
Consular Gallus?, Plancus, Sulla
Senatorial Decianus, Popilianus, Priscus, Sabinus, 
Equestrian Bassus, Celsus, Felix, Gratus, 
Equestrian (mil) Venustus
Local magistrat. no cognomen, Vopiscus
Uncertain Flavianus, Saturninus
Republican Consuls, Tribunes with consular power, Dictators, Magister Equitum, Censors 1
Imperial Consuls and Emperors (Augusti and Caesars) 4 (5?) incl. 0 emperors
Literature Alföldy: Gallia Cisalpina (1999) p.319 (§4 P. Munatius Priscus Decianus M732)
Alföldy: Konsulat (1977) p.194 (Munatius cos suff 161/168)
Alföldy: Legionslegaten Rheinarmeen (1967) p.21 (§28 L. Munatius Gallus M725, leg leg XI Cla)
Bastianini, G: "Lista dei prefetti d'Egitto dal 30a al 299p", in ZPE Bd. 17 (1975), p.292 (L. Munatius Felix M723)
Bastianini, G: "Lista dei prefetti d'Egitto dal 30a al 299p: aggiunte e correzioni"", in ZPE Bd. 38 (1980), p.82 (L. Munatius Felix M723)
Birley: Roman Government of Britain (2005) p.325-326 (Cn. Munatius Aurelius Bassus M719, censitor in Britannia)
Eck: Fasten der Statthalter 1.teil, (1982), p.334-338 (L. Munatius Gallus M725 in Numidia)
Fitz: Pannonien (1995) p.140-141 (§47 L. Munatius Plancus Paulinus cos 13 AD)
Franke: Legionslegaten (1991) p.62-63 (L. Munatius Gallus M725)
Groag: Achaia (1939) p.49 (L. Munatius Gallus, possibly procos Achaia, M725)
Hillebrand: Vigintivirat (2006) p.216-217 (§76 L. Munatius Gallus M 725)
Hinard: Proscriptions (1985) p.504-505 (§103 L. Plotius Plancus RE26 proscribed, approved by his brother L. Munatius Plancus)
Krieckhaus, Andreas: "Vater und Sohn. Bemerkungen zu den severischen consules ordinarii M. Munatius Sulla Cerialis und M. Munatius Sulla Urbanus", in 
Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, Vol 153, 2005, p.283-284
Le Bohec, Yann: "La Troisième Légion Auguste", Paris, 1989, p.125 (L. Munatius Gallus, leg leg III Aug), p.139 ((C.) Munatius Venustus tr mil III Aug)
Leunissen: Konsuln (1989) p.136, 234, 273, 359, (M. Munatius Sulla Cerialis cos 215)
Morris, John: "Munatius Plancus Paulinus", in Bonner Jahrbücher Band 165 (1965), p.88–96 on M729 cos 13 AD in the 4th century inscription CIL-VI-1743 giving the cognomen Paulinus,
which might indicate his mother could be an Aemilia Paulla, sister to M. Aemilius Lepidus cos 6 AD and L. Aemilius Paullus cos 1 AD.
He speculates on an other connection to the Aemilii, Cornelia Cethegilla Aemilia Plancina  C1485, FOS281. His detailed stemma (attached to his article) shows a descent through a possible daughter
of cos 13 married to a M. Aemilius Lepidus, whose possible daughter (Aemilia Planciana) could have married a Cornelius Cethegus, and they could be the parents of Cornelia Cethegilla Aemilia 
Plancina. Morris also attempts speculatively to link to a 4th century Caeionia Marina, married to Crepereius Amantius (? cos ord 345), who claims descent from a Munatius Plancus Paulinus.
Mrozewicz, Leszek: "Munizipalgesellschaft und Römische Ritter. Das Beispiel der Nordprovinzen des Römischen Reiches", in Demougin, Devijver and Raepsaet-Charlier: L'Ordre Equestre (1999)
p.76 (§33 M. Munatius M.f. from Apulum)
Nitschke: Dignitas (2006) p.52 (L. Munatius Plancus  cos 13 AD, not BC as stated)
Raepsaet-Charlier: PFOS (1987) stemma XXII (Munatii and Calpurnii)
Reinmuth, O.W.: "A Working List of the Prefects of Egypt 30 B.C. To 299 A.D", in The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists, Vol. 4, 1967, p.97 (L. Munatius Felix M723)
Remy: Carrieres Senatoriales (1989) p.236 (§182 M. Munatius Sulla Cerialis, governor of Cappadocia 216/7-217/8)
Salomies: Nomenclature (1992) p.113 (§5 Cn. Munatius Aurelius Bassus M719, possibly son of an imperial freedman M. Aurelius adopted by a Cn. Munatius)
Settipani: Continuite (2000) p.87-88 suggests that the mother of cos 13 AD was an Aemilia Paulla (dt of Paullus Aemilius Lepidus, censor colleague of the cos 42 BC), since cos 13 AD 
had the cognomen Paulinus.  He also suggests a Munatia Plancina, sister of cos 13, married to Ser. Cornelius Lentulus Cethegus cos 24. 
The rather slim evidence is that the grd dt of cos 24 had Plancina as 4th name (Cornelia Cethegilla Aemilia Plancina C1485, FOS281).
Shackleton Bailey: "Two Studies" (1976), p.124 (L. Plautius Plancus RE26)
Stein: Präfekten von Ägypten (1950) p.80-82 (L. Munatius Felix M723)
Suolahti, Jaakko: Roman Censors (1963) p.501-504 (L. Munatius Plancus cens 22 BC)
Suolahti, Jaakko: Junior Officers (1955) p.375 (§155 Munatii)
Szemler: Priests (1972) p.174 (§Ep7 L. Munatius Plancus cos 42 BC)
Szramkiewicz: Gouverneurs Vol.2  (1972) p.419 (Munatius M718, whom he identifies with cos 13 AD, which seems implausible for chronological reasons)
Taylor: Voting Districts (1960/2013) p.236 (Munatii RE30 and RE32 from Tibur, hence probably trib. Cam.)
Thomasson: Fasti Africani (1996) p.139-140 (§16 L. Munatius Gallus leg III Aug 100/102), p.211 (§29 Q. Munatius Celsus proc 212)
Winkler: Reichsbeamten von Noricum (1969) p.95-97 (§5 M. Munatius Sulla Cerialis cos 215)
Wiseman: New Men (1971) p.242-243 (§261 RE28, §262 RE30, §263 RE32, §328 RE26)
Zmeskal: adfinitas (2009) p.195-196 (Republican Munatii)
Changes 13.04.2018 New header, reference list plus many updates.
RE5 RE12
C. Munatius T. Munatius T.f.
X vir agr dand assig 173 q of Firmum in Picenum
2nd/3rd century BC 
L. Munatius Plancus
from Tibur
  RE19 RE27
L. Munatius L.f. Plancus     C. Munatius Plancus Cn. (Munatius) Plancus
prosecuted by M. Iunius Brutus 91
RE29   RE28   ? RE7 RE9 RE37 RE6
L. Munatius L.f.L.n. Plancus L. Munatius C.f. Plancus   C. Munatius C.f.   L. Munatius L.f. Munatius Rufus C. Mun(atius)
† bef 47/46 tribus Cam ment by Cicero c 56 q of Beneventum in Republic friend of Cato owner of brickyard
leg or praefect of Sulla 87 or a nephew ? = RE29 ? ment 67-46 at Veleia 76/74
office in Achaia/Macedon? tr mil
RE30 M728 Rüpke2488 RE32 RE26 Plotius10 RE41 RE13 cf RE13 ILS6231 RE19 RE10
L. Munatius Plancus T. Munatius Plancus Bursa L. Plotius Plancus     Munatia T. Munatius C. Munatius T.f. L. Munatius Flaccus L. Munatius
trib. Cam. from Tibur, * c.90/85 tr pl 52 exiled 51-49 (C. Munatius Plancus) ment 43 aedil at Tibur from Italica in Baetica II vir at Henna
leg of Caesar 54-46 praef urb 45 leg of Antonius 43 monet c 47 praef coloniae ~ L. Titius related to  during the republic Pompeian praefect on Sicilia 44/36
VII vir Epul by 45 cos desig for 42 in 44 deducendae at Buthrotum 44 Plancus cos 42 son or brother in Spain 46-45 
procos Gallia Comata 44-43 triumph 43 pr 43 proscribed 43 † 43 killed
cos 42 procos Asia 40-38 Syria 35-34 adopt by a L.Plautius
joined Octavian 32 comes Augustus 27-24 
cens 22 † after 15 BC
M718 RE3
(L.) Munatius (L.f.L.n. Plancus)
comes Tiberius to Orient 20 BC
? ~ (Aemilia Paulla)
M729 RE31 cf RE33   M737 RE44 FOS562 FOS560 see M728 M732 RE35
L. Munatius L.f.L.n. Plancus (Paulinus?)   Munatia L.f. Plancina   (Munatia)   P. Munatius Priscus Decianus
cos ord 13AD envoy to mutinous legions 14 friend of Livia Augusta, † 19 AD Priscus spelled Prico
leg Aug pro pr Pann 15/35 (17 years) (RE33) † 33 AD suicide from Mediolanium (Milano)
cognomen Paulinus known only from governorship ~ Cn. Calpurnius Piso  procos Crete/Cyrene 
mentioned in 4th century inscription. cos 7BC d 20 AD 1st half of 1st century
M726 RE23 Dem570 M739
Munatius Gratus Munatia L.f. Procula
eques Romanus, aged 110 in 73/74
Piso conspiracy 65
M725 RE21
L. Munatius M.f. Gallus
trib. Ter., possibly from Venafrum,
X vir stlit iudic, other early career lost,
procos Achaia (or q or legatus) ?
leg leg XI Claud at Vindonissa 98-99
leg leg III Aug (Numidia) 99/100-102/3
? cos suff 103 or 104 (likely but no evidence)
FOS561 M723 RE17 M730 RE34
(Munatia)   L. Munatius Felix M. Munatius Popilianus
praef Aegyp 150-154 senator, 2nd century inscription
~ ignota ~ Cocceia Bassula Numisia Procula FOS264
dt of Q.Camurius Numisius Iunior, cos suff 161
M717 RE4 M738 RE45 RE46 FOS563 M731 RE36 Rüpke2489 RE24
Munatius  Munatia M.f. Procula Q. Munatius Priscus M. Munatius Maximianus Vopiscus
ment in rescript as magistrate owner of fistula 165 replaced as Salius  archon at Athens 182/183
cos suff ? 161/168 Palatinus (died?) 179
? father of M731 ? son of M717
M735 RE40 M721 RE14
M. Munatius Sulla Cerialis Q. Munatius Celsus
clar vir,  vir egregius from Cirta,
leg Aug pro pr Noricum c.212 proc Aug Maur Caesariensis 212-214
cos ord 215  d c.214
leg Aug pro pr Cappadocia 217-218 owned fistula (or his son)
† 219 exc by Elagabal
PIR Vol S p .359 M720 cf RE14 PME-M73
M. Munatius Sulla Urbanus Munatius Celsus  
cos 234 "a militiis"
formerly only known as [..]lla Urbanus raised statue of Caracalla
according to father's testament c.214
M733 RE38 PLRE Sabinus 15 PLRE Flavianus 13
L. Munatius Sabinus Munatius Flavianus
vir clar,  landowner in Numidia 282/293
curator rei publicae Bulla Regia may have been a senator
in Africa 286/293
UNCERTAIN DATE                                                                
M722 M724 RE20 PME-M74 M734 RE39 M719 RE8 Pf83 PME-M72
L. Munatius Clemens Munatius Gallus C. Munatius Venustus L. Munatius Saturninus Cn. Munatius M.f. Aurelius Bassus
nobilis ? homo optimus praef coh in Moesia, Severan period or later trib. Pal. from Nomentum in Latium
related to M725 above ? tr mil III Aug in Numidia, nephew of  Q. Iulius Maximus  praef fabrum, praef coh, praef coh in Brit, legatus pro pr vocatus, 
late 2nd / early 3rd century Demetrianus J425 censitor of Camulodunum in Brit, proc Aug (C ), curator via Nomentana,
~ Fabricia Q.f. Saturnina patron Nomentum, flamen perpetuus, II vir, aedilis, dict IIII
† aged 21 dated to time of Trajan by Pflaum, but possibly later 2nd century,
possibly son of a freedman and adopted (? by Cn. Munatius
    Cn. f. Bassus, below)
cf M736     cf RE21 cf M719 cf RE8 AE1972-455
T. Munatius Proculus filia   L. Munatius Macer M. Munatius M.f. Priscus Cn. Munatius Cn.f. Bassus M. Munatius M.f.
† aged 9 in Numidia trib .Ter. from Venafrum patron of collegium at Nomentanae, from Apulum
~ Munatia Helpis (or Elpis) ? or adoptive father of M719 eques,
~ 2 Q. Marcius Demetrius q, quinq, II vir,
archiatrosi M230 flamen, decurion
2nd or 3rd century